Friday, July 13, 2012

Though progress is slow...

At least I have (a little) progress to report.

I didn't get to the satin slip dress, but I couldn't have Coco prancing around nude.  My solution is to make a quick slip for her.

But before I show you that, here is her hand.  I'm so enthralled with her hands....

I made this dress from a napkin that had a hand crocheted lace on the corner.  A quick snip here and there and some straps and viola.  (well I haven't attached the straps as yet....)

After I trimmed it, stitched it, hemmed it, and started the straps:

You get a sneak peek at the lilac fabric as she lays on it...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, the detail on her hand is amazing. I like the dress that you made for her :)
